Many people wait until their home loan is paid off before investing more in super. However, if you are currently making more than the minimum home loan repayments, you may be better off making additional super contributions instead of additional loan repayments. Why super? There are two key reasons why topping up your super could […]
Archives for November 2017
ASIC Scam Email
Latest scam email to watch out for, which we received ourselves, is an email from “ASIC Messaging Service” asking to renew the business name registration. This was sent to us at the same time as the actual ASIC email asking us to renew, so it appears the scammers have looked up our business renewal dates […]
How to Enjoy Christmas Without Breaking the Bank
Get ready, there are less than 40 days to Christmas! Before you freak out, know there’s still plenty of time to plan ahead. We show you how to enjoy Christmas without breaking the bank this year. According to a News Limited report, four million Australians spend an average of $2,700 on their credit cards over […]
60 seconds with Lindsey
You’ve probably all met our lovely Lindsey, but we wanted to find out a bit more and luckily she obliged… What is your role at Align Financial and when did you start? My role is to do everything Darren doesn’t like to do (haha!). No, it is really making sure all our clients are thought […]