eBook Library
Why choose Align Financial’s eBooks? Because we care about providing greater financial literacy within the community. We are compiling all our knowledge into eBooks, which will be added here over time.
All of our eBooks are written by Darren Johns, the principal Financial Adviser at Align Financial. Darren is an award-winning adviser who is often quoted in publications such as The Financial Review, The Sydney Morning Herald, as well as professional Financial Adviser publications.
eBooks help with your financial literacy and they are completely free. We do ask for a few details so we can send you the information you need. Please note, we do not give your information out to third parties. We do add you to our newsletter list which includes helpful quarterly market updates and insights. An option to opt-out is at the bottom of every newsletter.
Scroll to the bottom of the page, complete the form with the eBook you’d like to receive and we’ll email you within 48 hours (business days) with the link to your freebie. Easy.
Note: check your Junk mailbox as some servers may filter it there.